How to secure your Domain Name?

A domain is your most important branding asset online. It is like your shop address, your advertising hoarding that makes your business stand out. In 2013 it is estimated that people spent approx 153 billion USD on booking/renewing domain names. And the figure is going to improve in 2014. There are more than 300 domain extensions available (.com, .net, .org, .biz, .xxx) and there are more added to it recently.

Why to secure your domain name?

There can be many reasons as to why you should secure your domain name:

  • Avoid domain hijacking
  • Avoid counterfeit websites eating into your business
  • Protect your brand from competitor’s attacks

How to secure your domain name?

  • Use your Name and Email address to book your domain. If you are buying through an agent/company ask the representative to list your name, email and other contact details. Its your asset just like any other real asset, so it should be under your ownership. Cross check it by logging into the account as well as on whois domain look up tool.
  • Take total control of your domain. Keep the username and password to your domain console with yourself and don’t share it with anybody. Even if you give it to someone for some technical configuration, make sure to change the password once the work is done.
  • Hide registrant information. You can choose this option while booking the domain. It will not display your contact details on whois lookup data for your domain.
  • Lock the domain for unauthorized or accidental transfer.
  • Keep the Domain Secret Key secured.
  • Always renew your domain on time.
  • Try to check a domain’s history. Available domains might have been owned by someone else in the past, so cross check if the domain was not used for any fraudulent activity. Simple google search will help.
  • Book domain only through reputed registrar of domains like godaddy, bigrock or a company you trust.
  • If you identify any other website or domain name impersonating your business name or domain, send warning immediately, and take legal action if needed.
  • Avoid booking domain names that can invite legal trouble due to Intellectual Property issues.